Part Deux (that’s “Two” for you European-ousting Englanders),

I like to think of it less that I was so seriously outclassed in this fight, that it was that Jim simply seriously outclassed me. Does that logic make any sense? I am relinquishing any responsibility is the key here…
Also, whomever handed me a ball and chain made out of a foam ball tied to a stick with a rope wasn’t thinking of me favourably. Despite this, I’m told at one point that I tied up his sword which I honestly cannot remember. Since I’m being honest, most of this series of comics wasn’t stuff I actually remember, but rather a vague recollection of events connected by some fight choreography I wanted to have fun with illustrating.
To be fair, it was 2013, and according to this comic I did get a couple of dings to the noggin – so my memory is liable to foggy.